How can you identify a good patent illustrator?

It has been very well said by someone that well engrafted drawings are indeed worth a thousand words. This is certainly correct because if you unintentionally leave something out of the written declaration, a well engrafted drawing can save you in the long run, but you should keep in mind that your drawing should be detailed enough to convey minute information about the system. Because the detailed feature of the patent drawing is what that can save you, and for that you should be quite wise in choosing the experienced patent illustrator. Moreover, while you are framing the applications, you should keep in mind that your application is having multiple, comprehensive and professional drawings in itself. If you draft your applications very well, the investment would turn out to be fruitful.
For instance, you may find dome of the investors who do draft their patent drawings by themselves, that does result in rejection at the prosecution stage, and hence you would find that there is money and time wastage due to exclusion of specific drawing requirement’s as per USPTO Guidelines. You need to keep one thing in mind that quality drawings would make a better patent and when you are drafting a better patent, all you need is to hire a good patent illustrator.
What are the qualities that makes a good patent illustrator?
As, it has already been said, not all of the investors are good illustrators, this is the reason most of the investors, do hire patent illustrators, who have got a plenty of experience in drafting patent drawings. An illustrator should be the one who is very imaginative and can congruously visualize the products to be drawn and can draft various views that are being needed to describe the invention in a proper manner. The illustrator should be the one who knows how to meld art and mechanics and can create meticulous work and drawings using AutoCAD, CorelDraw, Visio, Solid works etc. that has the ability to meet the standards and specifications of the patent office. Patent Illustrator should be the one who can explicitly depict expected designs and product characteristics by producing a variety of detailed drawings, assembly drawings and artwork.
What are the characteristics of a good patent illustrator?
- Patent illustrator must ensure that even if he or she is working closely with the inventor he needs to ensure that the patent drawings and patent illustrations are perfectly capturing the invention. Apart from it, patent illustrator should be well aware as to how he can use the current art software’s for better illustration of patent drawings and he should have the ability to provide patent drawings in various /desired formats on time.
- He/ she should also not compromise with the deadlines. Along with the deadlines the quality of work should also be not compromised. Because a proficient patent illustrator is one who knows how to proof read and also check down the work for any errors, by ensuring the quality of work.
- The desired formats for patent drawings or patent illustrations also vary from country to country. A good patent illustrator is one who is well versed with the patent office requirements of various jurisdictions and also with the common examiner rejections. Experienced patent illustrators are one who do put all their knowledge in the drawings so that they can make a better patent drawing.
- Experienced patent illustrators very well know even the required number of drawings are able to illustrate the same including the complicated views if they are wishing to claim a design and that is constituting a complex set of patent drawings.
- An invention should be kept confidential, the one who does keep it is a good illustrator.
The borderline: –
We at Digital Suntech have a team of experienced and skilled patent illustrators who do provide patent drawings for both utility and design patents for a broader range of technology domains that includes Mechanical, biochemical, biotechnological, medical /surgical device drawings, electrical, electronics, computer science and information technology as per USPTO, PCT, EPO, CIPO, JPO India and other patent office requirements by following step by step jurisdiction. Our team helps in formulating chaotic views such as perspective, front, rear, right and left sides, top, bottom, sectional views as per the clients and jurisdictional requirements by using the latest version of software’s including AutoCAD, Visio, solid works etc.
Our team aims at rendering error free patent drawings in various formats such as PDF, TIFF, JPEG, word, etc on time to time to the law firms and other corporate legal departments. We do aim at ensuring end to end confidentiality and security of all the data that has been entrusted to us.
At last, we can conclude that a good patent illustrator is the one who keeps these things in mind and then he does frame the patent applications.