Draft the Best Patent with the help of Patent Illustration Services

When we say ‘Patent Drafting’ what do we mean by it?
Patent Drafting can be explained as the whole course of action of putting together the Patent Application or it can be narrowed down and used for creating illustrations or drawings. Also, the people who create these illusions/drawings are termed as illustrators. When you plan and write a Patent Application, a holistic view is needed to be adopted because it has the potential to impact the long and short term business goals of the client/inventor. Drafting of Patents is a complex activity as it requires thorough understanding of the innovation, its scientific subject matter, in-depth knowledge of different rules and regulations, a concise explanation of the object invented and the statistics associated with it. Patent drawings are needed in almost every Patent Application. Attaching top quality, professionally prepared illustrations will not only help you in getting your application approved but also in defending your intellectual property rights in case someone tries to infringe your patents in the future.
Patent Drafting Process
You sure can draft your own Patent Illustrations but hiring an experienced illustrator who provides you with exceptional
Patent illustration services will more than pay for itself in terms of the benefits it will impart to the application process and the strength of the patents. Almost every Patent Office around the globe states that a patent illustration is necessary for every patent application to understand the contents of the invention to be patented.
Let us take a look at all the steps that are involved in a successful patent filing:-
- Discuss Details with the Patent Attorney
First step in drafting a Patent is for the inventor and the Patent attorney to sit and discuss what drawings would be required to explain the invention. Even the smallest of the details are important and need to be incorporated in the illustrations. In case you are going for a design patent , it is all the more important to add details as there, drawing itself is the claim of the patent.
- Taking into consideration different views and types of drawings
Then you take into consideration how many and what different views and types of drawings/illustrations you would want to add to your application to properly illustrate your invention.
- Attach Supported Files
Once you are sure which view and details should be a part of the illustration you drop a mail to the patent illustration services provider, explaining the drawings with some attached supported files.
- A Go-Ahead if you are Fully-Satisfied
Once you get the price quote from the company, you give a go ahead and that is when the real work begins.
- Keeping in touch with the illustrator
A good patent illustration services company will stay in touch with the inventor constantly during the illustration drafting process and keep consulting for any kind of information or clarification.
- Providing Source Materials for Illustrations
The patent illustrator working on your illustration can work from a variety of different source materials like Diagrams, sketches, photographs, CAD files etc. What matters in the end is that you provide the illustrator with the right and accurate information. The illustration the illustrator comes up with should reflect the invention; this means the illustrator can’t be making guesses about how the different parts or aspects of the invention would look.
- A dedicated Skilled Draftsman just for You
One specific drawing from beginning to end is taken care by a skilled draftsman who with all his/her talent comes up with a detailed illustration of your invention.
- Several Quality Checks before it reaches You
Once the drawing is ready it undergoes several internal quality checks.
Why Choose Digital Suntech as your ‘go-to’ for Patent Illustration Services?
Digital Suntech is a trusted name in the Patent Drafting industry. We believe we are the best because we lay emphasis on providing quality services to our clients. We understand and realize how important it is for you to have perfect drawings/illustrations in your patent applications. It is our success if you succeed. The team at Digital Suntech uses the latest technology and tools like Solid words, AutoCAD etc. to create the illustrations. We have a very well experienced team of draftsmen who take care of each and every detail of your patent and give it their heart and soul to get you the grant. On a regular basis, we utilize Photoshop Elements and VISIO also. Although we do Patent drawings for almost all industries but specialize in creating IP drawings for clients in medical, mechanical engineering, engineering, biotech & electrical engineering fields, among others.
Our experience is definitely going to save you money. In these past years, we have prepared over 5,000 patent drawings /illustrations and have provided
Patent Illustration Services to individual inventors and attorneys past almost a decade. It does not matter if it’s chemical, utility, design or trademark drawing; Digital Suntech ensures top-quality drawings at affordable prices. The drawings made by us are considered work of art. If you are someone who has a project you would like to discuss about then please feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to hearing from you!!